Call us on 7506019215 or write to us below

Career Planning

(60 minutes of Career Planning)

✔ Scientific Career Tools & Technology to identify my Inborn Talents       >>>>

Talents-based ‘Subjects Selection’ for my 11th class Study Stream       >>>>

✔ 11th Stream selection is the first milestone in Career Path Selection      >>>>

✔ Consider Future Skills to be in demand for my Career Path Selection   >>>>

✔ Considering the Modern Careers over just the Traditional Careers       >>>>

✔ Seeking Career Guidance from the ‘Expert Career Counselor’               >>>>

Career by Chance

(Struggle until 60 years of age and beyond)

✖ I have a fair idea about my natural Talents. Why to validate it?

✖ I’ve decided my 11th std subjects/stream. Why to validate it?

✖ Is it not too early? Can’t I think about it after my 10th results?

✖ Future Skills are not going to change in just the 5 to 10 years?

✖ Traditional Careers are secured and may always be relevant?

✖ I shall rather go with the fellow Students’ and general advice

Career Planning

(60 minutes of Career Planning)

✔ Scientific Career Tools & Technology to identify my Inborn Talents      

✔ Talents-based ‘Subjects Selection’ for my 11th class Study Stream    

✔ 11th Stream selection is the first milestone in Career Path Selection     

✔ Consider Future Skills to be in demand for my Career Path Selection  

✔ Considering the Modern Careers over just the Traditional Careers    

✔ Seeking Career Guidance from the ‘Expert Career Counselor’              

Career by Chance

(Struggle until 60 years of age and beyond)

✖ I have a fair idea about my natural Talents. Why to validate it?

✖ I’ve decided my 11th std subjects/stream. Why to validate it?

✖ Is it not too early? Can’t I think about it after my 10th results?

✖ Future Skills are not going to change in just the 5 to 10 years?

✖ Traditional Careers are secured and may always be relevant?

✖ I shall rather go with the fellow Students’ and general advice







































About ‘The Career Drishta ™ ’

About ‘The Career Drishta ™ ’

Who we are

The name ‘The Career Drishta” speaks for itself. ‘The Career’ +  ‘Drishta’

‘Drishta’ in the name comes from Upanishads which means ‘the one with a vision/ a 3rd eye to see the Truth’. 

In the context of Career Guidance, it means the 3rd eye to see one’s inborn talents, motivations, interests and the future skills/ careers to define one’s Career vision.

What we do

We are committed to provide to Students/ Parents; a ‘Drishta’ experience as they interact with our scientific Career Guidance Tools, Technology and a team of far sighted academicians and corporate professionals.

Together, we define your Career Vision for the next 3-5 years to set you on to your most compatible Career Path for Success.

Whom do we serve​

Welcome to The Career Drishta !

Thanks for visiting us.

I am eagerly waiting to listen to understand your needs,

answer your questions and work together

to define your Career Vision.

Call us at 7506019215 Or write to us here.

Manoj Arora

founder of The Career Drishta ™

and the alumni of:


Jindal Global Law School,

Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science (ISABS)


20 years of Corporate HR Leadership experience at

Goodyear, Coca-Cola, Cadbury, Pfizer, Raymond


Chief HR Officer (India) at Senvion GmbH for around 5 years.

Now, an entrepreneur;

The founder of The Career Drishta , TAO ®, “  गुंज़ाइश  ” ®

and Strategic HR Advisor to a few reputed Companies/ Boards

Contact Us

The Career Drishta ™

WeWork Oberoi Commerz II

1st floor, Aarey Colony, Mumbai


& work co-working space

5B, Neelam Ajronda Metro Stn, Sec-15A,



What people say about us

FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)

You seem to be referring to the seminars conducted at School by a coaching institute or university to enrol students or presentations of a few Successful professionals from different career fields about their respective career field(s) before a large group of students. We are sorry to say that all of these are far away from the concept of Career Counseling. However, such sessions may be a good source to build awareness about different career fields. But it won’t provide any useful and reliable Career Guidance for your child to select a Career for life, in absence of a scientifically validated technology and a reliable Career Tool to highlight your child’s inborn Talent(s) and potential, motivations and a deeper analysis of these factors in view of the consideration of the modern careers and future skills.

  • An online or offline Aptitude Test or a survey conducted at school for students to check their IQ and then provide a report on Career recommendations basis the IQ level etc. can not be compared with our structured Career Counseling program.
  • At The Career Drishta; we’ve reliable scientific Career tools and a revolutionary Technology to identify one’s Inborn Talent(s), potential skills, Interests, motivations in addition to the multiple intelligences, learning styles and other such important measures. All these scientific outputs are then analysed by a team of expert academician and corporate expert who then explain and discuss in a personal session with the student, parent(s). Finally top two-three career fields are identified keeping in mind the modern career and future skills for final selection. Our ‘Samarthan’ programs also support in identifying the best fit College(s) for higher studies along with the information on the admission process therein.
  • Replying upon such simple IQ based Aptitude Test(s) for career selection is an obsolete concept and thing of the past. Significant developments in technology in the last few years have enabled reliable and Hi-Tech Career Tools and Technology and these are continuously improving. Also, a standard Aptitude or a Career Test for everyone to recommend a few careers in the report can’t be relied upon as each child is unique having gifted with unique talents. Up and above, the modern careers are shaping up faster with the technological advancement and impacting every career field. The Future Skills that’ll be in demand may be much different than being taught today. 
  • Not only that we at The Career Drishta; use the modern technology and reliable & updated Career Tools, our team of best in class academicians and the Corporate Experts, understand what is being taught at Schools and higher education institutions as well as the Skills in demand in different industry sectors that works as a Big Value Addition to the students in their Career Planning & Selection process.

Our modern technology under the “Your Inborn Potential” does not require you to fill an Aptitude Test and generated report, but picks up your natural cues & patterns technologically and then highlights your natural/ gifted Talents, your learning styles, status of your multiple intelligences and many other important outputs including your top extra curricular activities and your matching/ compatible Subjects under the study streams. Also, under “The Psychometric Advantage”, it again provides output in terms of your compatible Subjects/ Study Streams for validation. Thus, eliminating any chance for wrong choices of Subject/ Study Stream OR Career Selection.

Ofcourse, it is a Big Plus to have a clarity about your choice of Study Stream for class 11th, however, a scientific validation of your choice through our modern Technology, Career Tools applied under the guidance of able/ expert Team of academicians and career counsellors would not only validate your choice but also provide additional inputs on the subjects selection under each and every study stream. It is important because almost all central boards provide an opportunity to students to choose from a range of subjects for 11th and 12th students thus, choosing the subjects in a particular study stream (Science, Commerce, Humanities or Bio) not only on the basis of your interest, your inborn talents and modern careers but also the future skills.    

We suggest the following three ways to build your confidence in our Career Tools and Technology:

    1. Simply give us a call and walk into our centre and we’ll answer all your questions and/ or the demonstration of the Career Tools and technology.
    2. Make a request to the counselor to speak to some of the earlier beneficiaries of our programs  and speak to a couple of them or
    3. Simply go through the Testimonial section at our website. 

Yes, no human intervention is involved other than the one who guides you to interact with the Technology. And of course; the team of academician and career expert would come into picture later for the Career Counseling helping you to interpret the report correctly.

  • At the outset, a simple IQ based Aptitude Test available online at some platforms can not be compared with our structured Career Guidance program(s): Kshamata, Sankalp, Samarthan, or Sehyog. Further, replying upon such IQ based Aptitude Test for career selection is an obsolete concept and thing of the past and infact may be a risky affair for career decision. The only thing new about them is that the earlier pen paper IQ based assessments are now made available online. Significant developments in technology has enabled reliable and Hi-Tech Career Tools & Technology that is continuously improving. Also, a standard Aptitude Test for all to recommend a few careers in the report can’t be relied upon as every child is unique having gifted with unique talents. 
  • We at The Career Drishta; use the modern technology to identify your gifted natural talents, learning styles, multiple intelligences than just the IQ and then basis the need and on top of it, deploy a reliable Psychometric Tool (and not a standard one for everyone) to bring out one’s interests and motivation. Using the results of both Tools together, our team of best in class academicians and the Corporate Experts in discussions with the student and parent provide career guidance thereby charting out student’s Career Vision for next 3-5 years. And our counsellors are career experts, well aware of the modern careers and they fully understand what is being taught at Schools and in higher educational courses, and the current Skills in demand and to be in demand in near future in different industry sectors. All of these work as a Big Value Addition to the students in their Career Planning & Selection process.

We at The Career Drishta; use the modern technology to identify your gifted natural talents, learning styles, multiple intelligences than just the IQ and then basis the need and on top of it, deploy a reliable Psychometric Test (and not a standard one for everyone) to bring out one’s interests and motivation. Using the results of both Tools together, our team of best in class academicians and the Corporate Experts in discussions with the student and parent provide career guidance thereby charting out student’s Career Vision for next 3-5 years which is an advantage to the student and parents. That’s  why we call it The Psychometric Advantage.

The answer of the question just above provides answer to this question as well, please refer the same.

While one of our Career Counseling Program named Samarthan has features to provide guidance for identification of a few best-fit colleges and even the relevant information about the admission process or entrance test(s), if any in the identified set of colleges that may increases your chances of getting admission in one of them but there is no claim or guarentee to ensure the admission itself. We are pure career counselling firm and not the agents of any institute or university.

No, we are not a Coaching Institute and do not provides any such coaching for competitive entrance exams etc.

Infact, we’ve parents of children of classes 3rd to 7th who availed of our Kshamata Program to get their child’s inborn talent to know their child’s learning style to adopt to the same. How much late do you think the Planning should be stretched up to if not even in 8th or 9th class?

No, ‘Your Inborn Penitential” is neither a Career Test nor an Aptitude Test or a survey where the child has to answer any set of questions etc. It is a purely technology centred Career Tool with which the child interacts with hands for the technology to capture the natural cues and derma glyphic patterns and for the Technology and the Analyst together to identify the hidden information to unfold the Inborn potential of the child.

There are a variety of Aptitude Tests available at online Career Counseling Platforms that can be done online and the report comes quickly on screen. What is unique about your The Psychometric Advantage?

    • At the outset, a simple IQ based Aptitude Test available online at some platforms can not be compared with our structured Career Guidance program(s): Kshamata, Sankalp, Samarthan, or Sehyog. Further, replying solely upon such an IQ based Aptitude Test for career selection is an obsolete concept and thing of the past and infact may be a risky affair for career decision. The only thing new about them is that the earlier pen paper IQ based assessments are now made available online. Significant developments in technology has enabled reliable and Hi-Tech Career Tools & Technology that is continuously improving.
    • Also, a standard Aptitude Test for all to recommend a few careers in the report can’t be relied upon as every child is unique having gifted with unique talents. Also, the world of work is no more limited to the traditional careers like a decade and a half before. The modern careers are far different from the traditional careers, providing much better scope to make money and are shaping up faster than our expectations on the back of technology. The Future Skills that’ll be in demand would be further different than being taught today. 
    • We at The Career Drishta; use the modern technology to identify your gifted natural talents, learning styles, multiple intelligences than just the IQ and then basis the need and on top of it, deploy a reliable Psychometric Career Test (and not a standard one for everyone) to bring out one’s interests and motivation. Using the results of both Tools together, our team of best in class academicians and the Corporate Experts in discussions with the student and parent provide career guidance charting student’s Career Vision for next 3-5 years. And our this team is well aware of the modern careers, they fully understand what is being taught at Schools and in higher educational courses, and the current Skills in demand and to be in demand in near future in different industry sectors. All of these work as a Big Value Addition to the students in their Career Planning & Selection process.