The Psychometric Advantage is about a variety of Career Planning Tools; are applied to tap into one’s subconscious mind and bring valuable insights.
Our subconscious mind holds complex info like our interests, emotions, motivations; generally not in our conscious awareness but greatly influence our thoughts, choices and drives our behaviour.
A variety of reliable Psychometric Tests & Surveys; are integrated together to evaluate different Subjects and Career Fields.
A compatible Career Planning Tool powered with AI is an advantage to evaluate one’s Natural Talents, Skills, deeper Interests, Motivations that highlights your top most compatible careers.
“The combined power of ‘Your Inborn Potential’ + ‘The Psychometric Advantage’ = The Right Career Decision”
The reason everyone should consider a career assessment:
An estimated 50% plus people do not work in the career they pursued in college or they change it mid career. Because they were too young to know what they wanted to do for the rest of their life.
A timely Unadulterated Career Guidance opens up the truths about the career you are designed for. Then, it’s not just a job or a career, it’s what you love to do.
So, better to have an Unadulterated Career Guidance to identify a Career fitting your Personality, Skills, Interests & Motivations.